Saturday, April 12, 2014

Orange juice to lose weight safely and effectively

"Fresh fruit, help to clean the stomach of toxins accumulated over time, the piece advised by juicing recipes for weight loss"

The orange fruit very appetizing a multiple medical benefits because they contain many of the vitamins, enzymes and natural exceed its benefits to become one of the factors helping to lose weight, is dyed orange and one of the diets successful in the process of slimming the body, and this is what we recommend, follow it for two days a week in order to purify the body from toxins and weight loss.
A diet for the first day.
Breakfast: 2 cups of orange juice + fruit, peeled orange + slice Toast Black + poached eggs unsalted.
Snack: One cup of orange juice.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Physical activity and the importance of walking

"To reach the maximum benefit from walking eat fruit juice and fresh vegetables to speed up the fat burning process. And choose visit juicing recipes for weight loss"

For communities healthy and disease-free governments should adopt the practice of physical activity in key directions and work to educate those communities and spreading the culture of physical activity in schools, universities and public parks.

#The walking simple form of physical activity where fits all ages and facilitates performance in almost everywhere. Sport, but it is very useful for the body in terms of maintaining agility of the body by burning excess fat and muscle strengthening and resistance to depression.

Preferably during a walking exercise, drink fresh fruit juice because of its great benefits in burning fat, it's also quick to digest and does not constitute a burden on the digestive system, and you can choose what suits you best juicing recipes for weight loss.

You can practice walking and make it part of the daily routine program, and after a few days you will notice the difference is clear and we will list the benefits of walking in some detail in the next article

Friday, February 28, 2014

Apple juice recipe to lose weight fast way

Became the apple key component in recipes juice to lose weight because of its elements useful and necessary for the body, as it contains 9% simple sugar, a fruit sugar and contains vitamin C, vitamin B is useful for the work of the nervous system and mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and calcium needed for cell growth and to get rid of toxins.

It also found Brazilian study says that ladies who eat three apples a day resulting in a loss
More weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while following the same diet.

# Ingredients.
5 medium-sized apples.
2 oranges (peeled).
2 large celery stalks.

In addition to the orange juice helps to lose weight reduces the proportion of fat in the body and helps to eliminate the effects of poisoning as a result of the use of chemical-based medicines.

to identify the different types of fruit and its benefits click on (juicing recipes for weight loss).

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Those working in the office (4 tips to lose weight)

Increased numbers of people who do desk work, and increased vulnerability to becomingobese, and the longer this phenomenon is widespread in developed countries, and between those countries (the United States) where he became 30% of the number of people of adults are infected with obesity.

# here are some tips to have been tried.

- Insomnia, inability to sleep, generate a sense of hunger, 
  so we advise you to read up to this feeling dissipated.

- When you eat and the obligatory lunch at work, try to have
   someone beside you eat.

- Do not take drinks Algaveh -calorie high.

- Sex for 30 minutes leads to burn and consume a large 
   percentage of calories.

As we counsel you to eat fresh fruit juice because it is produced by the crisis of the consistency. E consistency.

Friday, February 21, 2014

5 quick tips daily to facilitate the process of weight loss

With the advancement of technology and development led to the increase in the number of jobs that require less movement and the availability of modern means of transportation, leading to high numbers of people living with obesity or exposed to injury.
#  Here is what we advise you to do.

- There are many people who have eaten in large quantities, they should stop and eat smaller amounts.
- Make sure that the food you eat contains elements that the body 
   Needs to perform its vital functions.
- Drink water as a substitute for soft drinks, because it keeps the good
   Performance of the members of the body.
- There are many recipes juice to lose weight, choose what you prefer
   and dealt with on a daily basis.
- Then go to work walked (if the distance is short), because walking is
   essential for those who wanted to lose weight