Friday, February 28, 2014

Apple juice recipe to lose weight fast way

Became the apple key component in recipes juice to lose weight because of its elements useful and necessary for the body, as it contains 9% simple sugar, a fruit sugar and contains vitamin C, vitamin B is useful for the work of the nervous system and mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and calcium needed for cell growth and to get rid of toxins.

It also found Brazilian study says that ladies who eat three apples a day resulting in a loss
More weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while following the same diet.

# Ingredients.
5 medium-sized apples.
2 oranges (peeled).
2 large celery stalks.

In addition to the orange juice helps to lose weight reduces the proportion of fat in the body and helps to eliminate the effects of poisoning as a result of the use of chemical-based medicines.

to identify the different types of fruit and its benefits click on (juicing recipes for weight loss).