Sunday, November 3, 2013

The importance of the juice recipes that contain low in calories to lose weight and the extent of its impact on the success of the diet programs .

The recipes low - calorie juice of the most important success factors of diet programs and weight loss because it allows you to control the percentage of calories you eat. But not all fruits and vegetables are low-calorie. Because there are some people tend to sweet fruit. To avoid weight gain prefers not to eat excessively. There is no problem if it were addressed in specific proportions because they contain high calories.

juice recipe for weight lossThose who want to lose weight or weight installed. You should eat some fruits and vegetables that contain low calories.There is abundance in these fruits and vegetables and diversity which facilitates the selection process and get it. 

# To choose the appropriate vegetables and fruits there are some constants that must be adhered to, a lack of eating starchy vegetables
(Such as potatoes, corn and peas).
# When you choose preferred buying dark colored vegetables (such as spinach and kale).
# Choose fruit that contains many water ratios because it means low-calorie

               # there are some examples of fruits and vegetables that contain low calories.


Carrot (1, 7” long) 30
Cauliflower (1/6 medium) 25
Celery (2 medium stalks) 15
Green Beans (3/4 cup) 20
Green Cabbage (1/12 hod) 25
Asparagus (5 spears) 20
juice recipe for weight loss and low-calorie.
Bell Pepper (1 medium) 25
Green Onion (1/4 cup) 10
Kale (1 cup) 10
Leaf Lettuce (1 ½ cup) 15
Mushrooms (5 medium) 20
Onion (1 medium) 45


Nectarine (1 medium) 60
Orange (1 medium) 80
Peach (1 medium) 60
Pear (1 medium) 100
Pineapple (2 slices, 3” x ¾”) 50
Plums (2 medium) 70
Strawberries (8 medium) 50
Cantaloupe (1/4 medium) 50
Grapefruit (1/2 medium) 60
Grapes (3/4 cup) 90
Honeydew Melon (1/10 medium) 50
Kiwifruit (2 medium) 90

                                       # one recipe low - calorie juice for weight loss.

To do prepare a recipe for delicious and healthy without looking at those lists previous
Components of the juice recipe :
1 apple 1/2 lemon 1 cup spinach 3 stalks of celery 1 large carrot
Then put them in a mixing machine. And bring in a period not to exceed 5 minutes and clicking on the juice recipe for weight loss and low-calorie.